All students in classes wherein physical stress might be excessive or wherein equipment is used that might be dangerous or subject to accident will be required to sign the Waiver Form (Informed Consent, Assumption of Risk, Liability Release and Indemnity Agreement), known simply as the Waiver Form. The Waiver Form is available from the Campus and Center Offices or the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services. Instructors of such classes must spend some time in orientation, safety discussion and a review of any appropriate procedures in case of an accident. At that time, the student should sign the Waiver Form. Students need to be alerted ahead of time of the more strenuous or dangerous aspects of a class and be given guidance on safety and precaution.
The instructor will give the completed Waiver Forms to the appropriate Dean’s Office for filing and an electronic copy provided to the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Services. Filing should be for one year and then the forms can be destroyed.