NPC Tutoring is available in many NPC academic areas and is provided FREE of charge to students. Tutoring can help you excel in your coursework and improve your grades. It is recommended that you seek a tutor when you want:
- help in understanding assignments, concepts and ideas;
- to improve your study skills;
- better prepare for tests;
- and prevent yourself from falling behind in a course.
NPC offers several kinds of tutoring!
- online 24/7
- local face-to-face tutor labs and study group sessions
- one-on-one tutoring is available by appointment
- and tutor labs broadcast throughout NPC's system of Connected classrooms
Please Note: NPC Tutor Lab sessions are ONLY conducted at designated NPC locations, or online meeting rooms.You MUST be currently enrolled in the NPC course for which you seek tutoring.
- You may attend any session listed in the calendar below by showing up at the location on the day and time shown, and signing in.
- Tutoring sessions during fall and spring semesters begin the second week of the semester and end the Friday before finals week.
- Tutoring in the summer begins at the end of the first week of classes.
> Spring 2025 tutoring begins January 20th
Check this schedule regularly, it will be updated as new options become available!
Tutoring Sessions
Subject | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
BIO 181 & 182 |
WMC location PC 104 from 2 to 5 |
WMC location AC 109 from 2 to 5 WebEx link |
WMC location LC 108 from 2 to 5 WebEx link |
CHM 130 & 151 |
WMC location PC 104 from 2 to 5 |
WMC location AC 109 from 2 to 5 WebEx link |
WMC location LC 108 from 2 to 5 WebEx link |
MAT courses(use scroll bar on bottom of calendar to move right for Thursday and Friday sessions) |
all MAT 101-189WMC location PC 104 from 2 to 5 |
all MAT 101-189WMC location AC 109 from 2 to 5 WebEx link
all MAT coursesonline 12pm to 5 pm click on link for appointment and meeting link |
all MAT 101-189WMC location LC 108 from 2 to 5 WebEx link
all MAT coursesonline 12pm to 5 pm click on link for appointment and meeting link |
all MAT coursesonline 12pm to 5 pm click on link for appointment and meeting link |
All MAT through Calc.Snowflake (SCC) LC room 136 from 12 - 4 pm online WebEx link |
WRITING assistanceCheck the Student Writing Center (SWC) at your location for additional assistance times |
At PDC, or online by appointment: |
At PDC, or online by appointment: |
At PDC, or online by appointment: |
At PDC, or online by appointment: |
> Request Help With Tutoring Needs and Ask Questions
You will need to complete the Request a Tutor form. The tutoring coordinator will contact you within three business days after submission to suggest suitable tutoring sessions or to connect you with approved tutors.
You can contact the Tutor Coordinator, Ruth Creek, by emailing her at Please give the reason for the email, and your phone number.
> 24/7 Online Tutoring through
NPC offers FREE online tutoring, on-demand, through Tutors are available, even late at night when your instructor may not be. Stuck on a problem? Want someone to review your paper? This tutoring service is easy to use and can be accessed on any device that connects to the internet! When you log-on to you'll be able to:
- Connect with over 3,000 qualified tutors!
- View replays of previous sessions
- Submit an essay for review and feedback within 24 hours
- Save your favorite tutors and see their schedule of availability
- Access services from your mobile phone or tablet
- See the large array of subjects covered in the tab below
How do I access the tutoring services? The services at NPC are only available within the class Moodle:
- Log into Moodle and then enter the course,
- Then, access services by clicking the link usually located at the top, or in a student resource section.
- Once you are on the home page, select your topic, and subject and fill out the question or concept for which you want help.
NOTE: Please have your question for your tutor ready before you connect. Enter your question and any important notes in the pre-session survey — this will save you time while you are in your tutoring session.
You can attach a file or screenshot of something you would like help with by clicking “share a file” in the pre-session request form and in the online classroom.
After your session with a tutor, you can review it again at any time or save your tutor as a “favorite.”
For more information about the Services available at NPC, click here.
All subjects are offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless otherwise indicated by *
- Basic/Remedial Math
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Statistics
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Quantitative Methods *
- Multivariable Calculus *
* 6 PM – Midnight ET
Diagnostic Quizzes – Assess your strengthens and weaknesses
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Math Fundamentals
- Geometry
- Calculus
Business & Economics
- Intro to Accounting
- Intermediate Accounting
- Principles of Management
- Business Law
- Intro Microeconomics
- Intro Macroeconomics
- Grammar
- Reading Comprehension
- American Literature
- British Literature
Diagnostic Quizzes – Assess your strengthens and weaknesses
- English I
- English II
- English III
- English IV
- Real-Time Writing Help
- Real-Time ESL Writing Support
- Drop-Off Essay Review (Asynchronous)
Foreign Language
- Spanish
Nursing & Healthcare
- Medical-Surgical
- Medical Terminology
- Pathophysiology
- Pharmacology
- Pediatrics
- Evidence-Based Practice
- Health Care
- Primary Care
- Acute Care
- Care Plans
- Healthcare Administration
- Clinical Assessment
- Clinical Management
- Earth Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics (Algebra-based)
- Physics (Calculus-based)
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physical Science
- Microbiology
Diagnostic Quizzes – Assess your strengthens and weaknesses
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
Social Science
- U.S. History
- World History
- Geography
- Civics & Government
- Intro to Psychology
- Intro to Sociology
- Research Methods *
* 6 p.m. to Midnight ET
Computer Science
- Computer Science Principles
- Java
- C++
- PowerPoint
- Word
- Excel
- Python
- Windows
- Database Systems *
- Web Design *
* 6 p.m. to Midnight ET
Want to learn more about how can help you succeed at NPC? Then check out the following resources:
- Students who need support or clarification on your assignments, please contact your instructor.
- Students who need technical support with, please contact the Technical Help Desk at 800-411-1970 or Submit a Ticket to
- Faculty who have questions about using in their Moodle courses should contact LaTonya Motley, Faculty in Educational Technology at Faculty can also get information about using at NPC by visiting the eResource Center for Learning Technologies.
For support or clarification on your assignment – contact your instructor.
For technical support – Contact the Technical Help Desk at 800-411-1970 or Submit Ticket
Questions about managing Instructors should contact LaTonya Motley, Faculty in Educational Technology via email.
NOTE: You can also get assistance with writing papers at your local Student Writing Center.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Will tutoring really help me pass my class(es)?
- Yes! NPC students who attend tutoring sessions regularly and frequently, achieve up to 20-percent more A, B, or C grades than the average student.
Am I limited to one tutoring session or a certain number of tutoring hours?
- No. Students may attend as many tutoring labs as they need.
- Tutoring labs do not have a restriction of how many hours of tutoring you can receive per semester.
- Students do not need permission to attend tutoring labs and may attend on a walk-in basis.
- In some extenuating situations, students may request tutoring by appointment. These sessions are limited and must be scheduled through the tutoring coordinator.
How do I prepare for a tutoring session?
- Bring your textbook, class notes, past quizzes or assignments if needed, course syllabus, current homework or workbook problems that you are having difficulty completing.
- Attempt as much of the work as you are able BEFORE the session and write down your questions so you have them ready.
- Do NOT expect the tutor to work on homework assignments or explain class lectures. Expect the tutor to help with understanding concepts, learning material and with study techniques to improve learning and test scores.
How can I make my tutoring session successful?
- Be prompt to the session.
- Come prepared, be sure you have everything you need with you.
- Understand the tutor may be working with several students simultaneously.
- Know that tutoring sessions may be conducted over NPC's video system so the tutor may not be in the room with you.
- Turn off your cell phone so that phone calls or texts do not disrupt the session.
- Be courteous and respectful to everyone in the room. Keep conversations focused on course-related topics.
Does it really matter how regularly I go to tutoring sessions?
- Yes. Students who study with a tutor (and/or a study group in a tutoring lab) for one hour, two or more times each week, will gain a better understanding of the concepts and achieve long-term learning.
- Bursts of studying, such as "cramming" or receiving tutoring for a solid 3-4 hours in one sitting is a common misconception on how to learn or to pass tests. After a period of time the mind gets tired, it is harder to stay focused on the subject matter and a person may begin to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by too much information. A person who tries to study all course material at one time does not clearly remember the material studied after the mind started to get tired. The more tired the mind, the less clearly material is remembered. Studying for short periods that are spread out over the week, helps keep the content manageable and the mind focused and alert.
Whom do I contact for additional assistance?
- Contact the Coordinator of Tutoring Services, Ruth Creek, at (928) 524-7367 | email
- If you need accommodations, such as a sign language interpreter, to access the benefits of tutoring, please contact Office of Accessibility and Inclusion Coordinator at (928) 536-6246. | email
- Students enrolled in College and Career Preparation (CCP) classes can talk to their instructor or learning assistant for more details about tutoring for their specific course(s).
Are you interested in becoming an NPC tutor?
An NPC tutor must have completed the course they want to tutor in with an A or B, or have completed more advanced courses in the specific subject area. An NPC student tutor must maintain a 3.0 or better GPA. To apply, complete the online application form and provide:
- NPC Students - a written reference from a content-specific NPC instructor (ie; to tutor math, a reference will be needed from at least one NPC math instructor).
- Other Applicants - may provide relevant references from a non-NPC source, and/or be prepared to take the final exam in content-specific NPC courses.
- A current résumé
- Unofficial transcripts
You will need to complete an interview with the Tutoring Program Coordinator and if hired, complete employment forms and be enrolled in the EDU 101, Effective Tutoring course (required for all NPC tutors the first semester they are tutoring). You are required to bring to the interview:
- Two forms of identification, preferably your current driver's license (a picture, state-issued ID or a passport will also work), and your Social Security card (birth certificate or a Certificate of Native Blood).
- A voided check for automatic deposit of your paycheck.
NOTE: Returning tutors must submit a new Application Form each academic year, then meet with the Tutor Coordinator to complete their employment paperwork.
Questions Please contact Ruth Creek, Tutoring Program Coordinator, at (928) 524-7367 | email