For Professional Development Activities
Faculty and Exempt Staff
- Any graduate level (courses numbered 500 and above) credits will be applicable toward meeting these requirements. Upper division undergraduate credits are acceptable when they are applicable to establishing a new academic area of certification endorsement, approval of immediate supervisor and counter signed by the appropriate member of the president's staff is required for all classes to be taken.
- Staff who have only an Associate Degree may use undergraduate credits, if the credits taken can be demonstrated to fill the requirements for a baccalaureate degree. Application and approval of the request must be made by the immediate supervisor and counter signed by the appropriate member of the President's staff.
- It will take 6 credits to complete the requirements for an adjustment in salary. All credits must be from regionally accredited institutions.
- The adjustment in salary for faculty will be one grade laterally on the salary schedule. If the increase in grades would move the faculty member beyond the right most column, then they would receive a one time stipend in place of the grade increase.
- If a staff member submits an approved plan of study for an additional degree, all courses that are part of the degree requirements and required prerequisite course can be used toward salary advancement. The additional degree must be in an area where there is a probable future assignment. Application for and approval of the request must be made by the immediate supervisor and counter signed by the appropriate member of the President's staff.
- Administrative staff who complete the requirements would be given an adjustment in salary equivalent to the annualized amount for faculty.
- All documents and verification must be presented to the Human Resources Office. When the Human Resources Office has certified the completion of the requirements they will prepare a contract to reflect the change in salary or the one time stipend amount.
- Notification of intent to complete a 6 unit block for an adjustment in salary must be made to the Human Resources Office prior to January 15 preceding the contract year the adjustment in salary would become effective.
- All course work to be effective for the current contract year must be completed prior to September 15. A revised contract will be issued when appropriate documents and verification are submitted to the Human Resources Office.
Based on Policy #1525; Revised 3/15