Section: 2500s – Facilities Procedures |
Last Review Date: 9/13/2023 |
Responsible Area: Administrative Services |
Effective Date: August 19, 2024 |
Policy/policies the procedure is based on: #2520 |
Procedures that may be impacted by revisions: List any procedures to check when revising. |
Revision History: 2/4/2022; 10/19/2016; 4/22/1996 |
1.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to Northland Pioneer College (NPC) departments and its employees.
2.0 Purpose
This procedure is established for the purpose of promoting a secure campus environment and for maintaining a comprehensive system to manage the dissemination of keys throughout the campus and centers. All college facilities will be closed and locked when no business or events are scheduled. All employees are responsible and accountable for the security of buildings, classrooms, contents, and equipment within their areas of responsibility.
3.0 Definitions
3.1 Regular Employees - A position which is contracted to work part- or full-time every pay period for nine months or more during a fiscal year.
3.2 Temporary Employees - Positions scheduled part- or full-time for a fixed period of time with no expectation of continued employment.
3.3 Vendor - A person or company, not employed by NPC, offering a product or service for sale to NPC.
3.4 Key Requestor - A supervisor or administrator requesting key issuance on behalf of an employee.
3.5 Key Holder - The employee or vendor to whom keys are being issued.
4.0 Procedure
4.1 Key Issuance
a) Contracted Employees
I. Supervisors will complete a Key Request Form ( and submit it to the appropriate campus or center manager
II. The campus/center manager will review and approve the Key Request Form and issue key(s)
b) President’s Cabinet Employees:
I. Supervisors will complete a Key Request Form and submit it to the Director of Facilities and Transportation and campus/center managers, as these individuals may receive a master key that will unlock all NPC facilities at all locations.
II. Director of Facilities and Transportation will issue keys to the Campus/Center managers for distribution.
c) Temporary Employees:
I. Keys may be issued to a non-contracted (temporary) employees on an as needed basis as determined by their supervisor.
d) Contractors/Vendors:
I. Deans or Directors will complete a Key Request Form and submit it to the campus/center manager who will forward the form to the Director of Facilities and Transportation. Key(s) may be issued, but issuance will be for a period not to extend past the vendor’s contract.
4.2 Key Holder Responsibilities
a) The individual to whom key(s) are issued is personally responsible for the use of said key(s) until they are returned to the campus/center manager.
b) Key holders are required to keep the key(s) in their possession and not keep them in desks, cabinets, or unsecure areas.
c) Key holders are not allowed to loan or transfer their key(s) to anyone or to make a copy of any key.
d) Key holders may enter buildings during closed hours but are responsible for properly locking the building after use.
e) Key holders shall not unlock buildings or rooms for others unless the individual requesting the unlocking of the building or room has a valid, verifiable reason and proper identification for access or is known by the key holder to have legitimate need for access to the room or building. Report suspicious activity to campus/center office immediately.
f) Contact the campus/center manager if issued key(s) are not functioning properly.
4.3 Lost or Stolen Key
a) Lost or stolen key(s) must be reported immediately to the campus/center manager who will complete an Incident Report and forward a copy to the Director of Facilities and Transportation.
b) Lost or stolen key(s) can result in significant financial or other confidential information exposure to the college. Any loss of key(s) may constitute neglect of duty under Procedure 2755 Discipline of Employees.
c) The Director of Facilities and Transportation will review the incident and in conclusion with the Vice President of Administration Services to determine if any locks must be replaced/rekeyed.
d) A new Key Request Form must be completed for issuance of new key(s) after lost or stolen key(s) are reported.
4.4 Return of Key
a) All employees – Key(s) must be returned to the campus/center manager at termination (voluntary or involuntary) or transfer to another department/location or temporary assignment. This will also include leave of absence anticipated to be longer than 180 days. Terminating employees must complete the Employee Exit Checklist.
b) Contractors/Vendors – Key(s) must be returned to the campus/center manager or Director of Facilities and Transportation when the period of issuance expires.
4.5 Replication of Key
a) Only the Director of Facilities and Transportation is authorized to replicate key(s).
4.6 Key Audit
a) Keys will be inventoried (audited) annually, by campus/center managers to enable the Director of Facilities and Transportation to review and evaluate building access. This will also help verify the accuracy of records and account for all keys.
b) Key audits may also be requested by administrators (deans/directors and above) should the security of an area become compromised.