General Principles
Short of a two-county disaster area being declared, the college as a whole never closes because of weather. If such a disaster occurs, the decision to close will be made by the college President.
In the event of a very severe weather situation, an individual campus or center might be closed for a period of time. If such a situation occurs, a decision to close a center or campus will be made by the Vice President for Learning. If the Vice President for Learning and Student Services is not available, a designee will make the decision.
In the event of severe weather conditions, classes may be canceled for a period of time at a specific center or campus. Any decision to cancel classes at a specific location will be made by the Vice President for Learning. If the Vice President for Learning and Student Services is not available, a designee will make the decision.
As a general rule, classes will not be canceled, so faculty and students need to exercise judgment regarding travel to campuses and centers for classes in severe weather conditions. If a faculty/staff member is unable to travel safely to a designated instructional/service location due to weather conditions, the faculty/staff person will contact his/her immediate supervisor. The supervisor, in conjunction with the campus coordinator or center manager, will coordinate contact of affected students, and provide cancellation notification.
If a class is missed because of weather conditions, it needs to be made up.
Process for Closing/Cancellation at a Center/Campus
In the event of severe weather conditions, individual campus operations coordinators or center managers will call the Vice President for Learning and Student Services as early as possible to discuss the local situation. The coordinators/managers will attempt to determine road conditions by contacting the local law enforcement agency and whether area schools have closed as a result of the weather conditions. If a campus coordinator does not live close enough to be aware of campus conditions early in the morning, then another person will be designated to initiate a call to the Vice President for Learning and Student Services in the event of severe weather conditions.
If classes are to be canceled at a center or campus for a period of time, a decision to do so should be made, if possible:
- By 6 a.m. for morning classes
- By 10 a.m. for afternoon classes
- By 3 p.m. for evening classes
If a decision to cancel classes at a center or campus has been made, the Vice President for Learning and Student Services will notify the Director of Marketing and Public Relations (or the Media Relations Coordinator) as soon as possible. A public announcement will be prepared in the MPR department and disseminated as appropriate.
If a decision is made to cancel classes at a center or campus, the Vice President for Learning and Student Services will contact the appropriate center/campus coordinator. The center/campus coordinator will initiate communications with others affected by the cancellation; which includes notification to other center/campus locations that originating audio/video broadcasts will not be available. Affected audio/video students will be notified through local coordination of center/campus coordinators.
If the campus is closed for safety reasons due to weather, all personnel must leave the campus. (Exception: Maintenance personnel who are working clearing the snow.)