Each supervisor is responsible to set and communicate clear performance standards for all employees. Each supervisor is also responsible, through an ongoing process, to observe and discuss with employees the positive and negative aspects of their performance in relation to standards. And, on an annual basis, each supervisor is responsible to conduct a formal performance review on each supervised employee summarizing the past discussions and setting performance and development goals for the future.
Supervisors will hold an annual discussion with each employee to conduct the performance review. The discussions should be held at a prearranged time in a private location that is as free of distractions and interruptions as possible. As part of the performance review process the position description for the job should be reviewed and updates made as necessary. All changes to position descriptions must be approved by the appropriate president's staff member, by their signature, before changes will be accepted by the Human Resources Department for incorporation into the official position description.
The employee will be given the opportunity to make written comments on the review form prior to their signing the form. The employee signature on the Performance Review Form signifies only that they met with their supervisor to discuss their performance and that they were given a copy of the completed form, not that they are in agreement with the review. Any employee has the right to submit a letter of explanation or rebuttal to be placed with the completed review form in their personnel file.
The completed review form will be forwarded to the appropriate president's staff person for review and signature. The final disposition of the review form is the Human Resources Department where it will be placed into the employee's personnel file.
Time line for performance reviews:
- Every newly-hired (non-faculty) employee will have at least two performance reviews during their 6 month (180 days) probationary period. The first review will be completed at approximately 90 days after hire date, and the second review prior to 180 days after hire date.
- Each regular (non-faculty) employee will have at least one performance review each fiscal year. The annual review will be completed between January 15th and April 15th of each fiscal year.
- The employee or supervisor can request an additional performance review by providing at least 10 working days notice to the other party. Any additional performance reviews must have prior approval from the appropriate vice president.
Forms for performance reviews:
- Probationary Period Performance Review: To be used in the review of newly hired (non-faculty) employees during their first 180 days of employment. This form will be used twice, 90 days after date of hire and prior to 180 days after date of hire, for each new employee to determine if they should continue as an employee beyond the probationary period.
- Non-Exempt - Office Employee Performance Review: To be used in the review of regular non-exempt employees who have completed their probationary period of employment. Generally employees who work in an office setting, and who may work with other staff and/or students would use this form.
- Non-Exempt - General Employee Performance Review: To be used in the review of regular non-exempt employees who have completed their probationary period of employment. Generally employees who work outside, with equipment and minimal office type work would use this form.
- Exempt - Professional and Technical Employee Performance Review: To be used in the review of regular exempt employees who have completed their probationary period of employment. Generally employees who have a job of a technical nature and/or limited supervisory responsibility would use this form.
- Exempt - Management and Supervisory Employee Performance Review: To be used in the review of regular exempt employees who have completed their probationary period of employment. Generally employees who are employed to supervise staff and/or functional areas of the college and may have significant responsibility to manage budgets would use this form.
- Performance Log: This form is used by a supervisor to record significant incidents, positive or negative, of work related behavior for employees. This record will allow supervisors to meet with employees on an ongoing basis to improve and reward appropriate behaviors in the workplace. This form also provides the basis for the annual performance review of employees. Employees are also encouraged to use this form to document specific milestones in their job performance.