- Official Records Manager
The purpose of the College’s Records policy and procedures is to establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the public records of the College as pursuant to A.R.S. §41-151.14.- Whereas A.R.S. §41-151.14.A.7 directs each agency to designate an employee to serve as the institution's records manager, the College Records Manager will be designated by the President. The College Records Manager, as per statute, must be at a level of management sufficient to direct the records management program in an efficient and effective manner and shall act as coordinator and liaison for the College with the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
- The College shall reconfirm the identity of the designated College Records Manager to the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records every other year.
- The College Records Manager shall maintain ongoing proficiency/training through Arizona Library Archives and Public Records.
- The College Records Manager will report to the President of the College and shall have the following duties:
- Coordinate training of College personnel in records management. All training will include both records retention as well as record archive procedures as laid out in Procedure 2141.
- Inform employees that all NPC-related electronic files and forms of communication, including emails, voice mails and texts, whether on a personal or college device, are defined as records and should be maintained as such.
- Direct College departments at the beginning of each fiscal year to ascertain that all internal retention schedules have been followed for the previous fiscal year.
- Notify employees of retention schedule changes.
- Records Management
- Each department of the College shall appoint one employee to be the Department Records Manager to work with their department supervisor and the Records Management Committee to identify a document retention schedule based on the retention schedules laid out by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records, found at http://apps.azlibrary.gov/records/general.aspx.
- Each department's records management procedure will determine how long each type of record will be kept, in what format it will be kept, when it will be destroyed, and depending on the confidentiality of the documents, how it will be destroyed.
Records are defined by each department policy as any document or file in any format that is created by an employee of the College for technical or administrative purposes while conducting College business, and/or that contains information of value as evidenced by informing College functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, mission, programs, projects or activities, and/or is material that originated in another office or institution but that was commented on or taken action on by a College employee, and/or an original document related to College business that does not exist elsewhere.
- Destruction of Records
- Records that do not contain personally identifiable information or other confidential information do not require special disposal measures. However, most records are subject to the records retention requirements established by the Arizona State Archives, Libraries, and Public Records Division.
- Records that do contain personally identifiable information require special disposal measures which ensure security and confidentiality of the documents and render the documents unusable.
Based on Policy #1235 – New 10/21/2014