Restricted to NPC CASO Employees
- The CASO Professional Development Scholarship committee is made up of CASO members who represent the campus and center locations. The committee will review applications for reimbursement of textbook costs and course fees up to $300 for the course(s) listed on the application. Approval will be based on verification that the course is completed successfully and that it enhances the applicant’s professional development relating to employment at NPC.
- Scholarship applications are to be submitted on the scholarship reimbursement application form and forwarded to the Scholarship committee chairperson, which is specified on the application form. The application form is available on MyNPC listed under My Groups - CASO.
- Funding for the Textbook Scholarship is provided by the College and limited to a specific amount each semester. Applications will be reviewed by the committee on an equal basis. Applications submitted after the semester deadlines will not be accepted. The committee may elect to award a percentage of requested awards to all applicants based on the availability of funds.
- Committee application review and discussions are confidential. Questions regarding the status of an application should be directed to the committee chairperson.
Award Amount
Applicants must be enrolled in an NPC course and complete the class with a “C” or better during the semester in which the scholarship request is submitted.
Submission Requirements
- Print and complete the scholarship application found online at MyNPC – My Groups - CASO./file/download/33033
- Applicants will be notified of either acceptance or rejection within 30 days after the application deadline.
- At the completion of the course, the Financial Aid department will verify that the course has been successfully completed and authorize the Business Office to disburse the funds. Â
- If you receive a letter of acceptance but haven’t received a check within 60 days after the end of the semester, please contact the committee chairperson.
Each semester.
Any CASO member may apply for the reimbursement of textbook costs and course fees upon successful completion of an NPC course that relates to his or her professional development or toward attaining an NPC degree.
Awards do not apply toward repeat course work.
Textbook costs and/or course fees paid by Financial Aid or other scholarship monies are not eligible for reimbursement by the Professional Development Scholarship.
Submit Application To
Submit by intercampus mail, or scan to email the application and your original receipts to the scholarship committee chairperson.
Final Deadline Text
Application deadlines are: November 1 for Fall semester; April 1 for Spring semester, and if funds are available, June 15 for Summer semester.
Member of an organization