Headlines & Subheads
The college’s primary headline font is set in Trade Gothic Bold Condensed No. 20. Sub-headlines can be set in Trade Gothic Condensed No. 18. Case and color styling are to be executed at designers’ discretion. When Trade Gothic is not available, utilize the font Arial Narrow Bold for headlines and Arial Narrow Regular for sub-headlines. Note that Trade Gothic is available only for Mac computers, PC users should use Arial Narrow.
Body Copy
Body copy is set in the Goudy Oldstyle typeface. Case, font, and color styling are to be executed at designers’ discretion.
Editorial Style
Northland Pioneer College follows the Associated Press (AP) Style, for external communications and marketing to promote consistency, clarity, accuracy and brevity. Consult the NPC Marketing Office for copy help. Below are a few general tips for using AP Style:
- Commas: AP style does not use the Oxford comma, so do not use a comma before the last item in a simple series.
- Titles: formal titles that precede an individual’s name are capitalized. Titles that fall after are lowercase. Use a person’s full name the first time they are introduced, and then all following references should only use their last name.
- Names: Use a person’s full name on the first reference: On subsequent references, use only his or her last name with no title. Spell out Northland Pioneer College and then (NPC) after it on the first reference. From then on you can just use NPC.
- States: Spell out names of states unless preceded by a city or county. For second references, abbreviate all state names.
- Numbers: spell out whole numbers below 10 or those that start a sentence. (i.e., he had eight oranges) Use figures for any numbers 10 and above, or for all ages and percentages. (i.e., she was 8 years old)
- Dates: Do not use st, nd, rd, or th with dates, and use Arabic numerals. Always capitalize months. Spell out the month unless it is used with a date. When used with a date, abbreviate only the following months: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.
- Time: Use figures except for noon and midnight (i.e., 6:40 p.m., 11 a.m.)
- Quotation marks: Use quotation marks for quotes featuring exact wording. Punctuation goes inside of the quotation marks. If there is dialogue, each person’s words are placed in a separate paragraph with quotation marks. For a quote within a quote, use single marks.
- Spacing: Use a single space after a period.
- Spelling: AP style spells the word "adviser" with an "er,"
- Titles: Use quotation marks around the titles of books, songs, television shows, computer games, poems, lectures, speeches and works of art.