Have you ever wondered what life was like in your neighborhood millions of years ago? What ancient animals roamed Apache and Navajo county’s high deserts and vast mountain ranges? What did the environment look like back then? Northland Pioneer College (NPC) invites the public to a free special lecture that will transport you back in time to the prehistoric era of our region.
Mark your calendar for Friday, November 22, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. for “Dinosaurs of the Southwest,” led by NPC Science Faculty David Smith in the Symposium of NPC’s Ponderosa Center at the Show Low campus. All ages are welcome to join in this deep dive into the history, science, and art of local dinosaurs.
“This is an opportunity to learn about the dinosaurs that wandered our area of the Southwest,” said Smith. “We will cover their biology and behaviors and learn about what was going on in the environment during that time and how they adapted to changes within it. Participants will also gain insight into the link between dinosaurs and birds, explore some of the latest findings, and how they are reshaping our understanding of biology and evolution.” Smith explained, “Whether you're a student or community member interested in biology, paleontology, a dinosaur enthusiast, or simply love learning about the past, this event is for you. Join us as we explore the dinosaurs that once walked in our own backyard.”
No registration is required, and admission is free. All ages are welcome.
For more information on the Dinosaurs of the Southwest presentation, contact David Smith at (928) 536-6767 or david.smith@npc.edu.