Event Date
Event Time
Event Location
Symposium of NPC’s Ponderosa Center, Show Low campus

Have you ever wondered what life was like in your neighborhood millions of years ago? What ancient animals roamed Apache and Navajo county’s high deserts and vast mountain ranges? What did the environment look like back then? Northland Pioneer College (NPC) invites the public to a free special lecture that will transport you back in time to the prehistoric era of our region.
Date: Friday, November 22, 2024
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Location: Symposium of NPC’s Ponderosa Center, Show Low campus
No registration required. All ages are welcome!
Meeting link: https://npc.webex.com/npc/j.php?MTID=m3af252ecd89c4b55e6cd71912aaa14f1
Meeting number: 2633 216 4404
Meeting password: Dinosaurs2024